What is a CBP?


A Community Benefit Program (CBP) is the deliverable of CBN activities. It is an enterprise that promotes health & well-being in the community. It is created by "connecting the dots" among community stakeholders who have a professional duty or organizational calling to serve the community.

A CBP is formed by strategically aligning the interests and activities of key community stakeholders within the scope and spirit of the 10 Essential Public Health Services and 3 Core Functions. The result is a benefit to the community resulting from the economies of collaboration.



\ ˈprō-ˌgram \ (noun) a set of related measures or activities with a particular long-term aim. 

How is a CBP formed?

Each CBP is formed by "connecting the dots" among partnering community stakeholders using the art & science of Public Health:

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  • A community health outcome is identified.

  • Community stakeholders are identified.

These may be public or private organizations that have a professional or organizational mandate to promote health & well-being in the community.

  • Partner interests are aligned according to stakeholders' Mission & Vision statements.

  • Partner activities are coordinated to leverage the economies of collaboration. 

  • A CBP is formed and a community health benefit is realized. 

Art & Science of Public Health


+ What are the 3 Core Functions of Public Heath?

  1. Assessment
  2. Policy Development
  3. Assurance

+ What are the 10 Essential Public Health Services?

  1. Monitor health status to identify & solve community health problems.
  2. Diagnose & investigate health problems & hazards in the community.
  3. Inform, educate, & empower people about health issues.
  4. Mobilize community partnerships to identify & solve health problems.
  5. Develop policies & plans that support individuals & commmunity health efforts.
  6. Enforce laws & regulations that protect health & ensure safety.
  7. Link people to needed personal health services & assure the provision of health care when otherwise unavailable.
  8. Assure a competent public & personal health environment.
  9. Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility, & quality of personal & population-based health services.
  10. Research for new insights & innovate solutions to health problems.

+ How do the 3 Core Functions & 10 Essential Services Relate?